Materials Available
Smithville once was home to several hotels, a railroad station, the Eagle Flour mill, a chair factory, a grain elevator, a stockyard, an airport, a department store, and more.
Learn more about our history in our book Smithville 1800-1899 (for purchase in our web store).
These documents are also available (free with a membership or $5 per document):
How to Find the History of My House (Item 202201)
How to Find My Ancestors in Smithville (Item 202202)
Smithville Resources at the Clay County Archives (Item 202203)
Cemeteries and Burial Grounds in the Smithville Area (Item 202204)
Smithville List of Businesses 1845-1905 (Item 202205)
1928 Smithville Telephone Directory (Item 202206)
Map of Smithville in 1914 (Item 202207)
Stoutimire Collection - newspaper clippings about residents 1905-1908 (Item 202208)
List of Veterans Buried in Smithville: Am. Revolution to Vietnam (Item 202209)
Two Hundred Year Timeline of Smithville History (Item 202210)
Smithville Historic Town Officials (Item 202211)
Send your request for documents to us at
Be sure to include the item number(s) you wish to access.
Non-members: make your payment through the online store on this website.
Our History
For over 50 years members of the Smithville MO Historical Society have gathered stories, memoirs, photographs, and information about the Smithville community and its residents. The list of resources continues to grow. Databases are accessible free for members. The public may access for a donation (suggested amount noted).